Terrace Rules

Dear Guests, 

To ensure a pleasant stay for everyone, we created a list of Terrace Rules. Please take a minute to go through them. 

1. Smoking Designated Area: The Terrace at the Hotel Savoy Prague is a designated area for smoking. Please use ashtrays or bins for cigarette waste. 

2. Opening Hours: The Terrace is open daily from 7 am to 10 pm. 

3. CCTV Surveillance: The Terrace is under CCTV survellance for guests´ safety. All recordings are handled in accordance with European standards and regulations as well as our Privacy Policy.

4. Respect for other Guests: Kindly behave respecfully and avoid disruptive noise. 

5. Cleanliness: Help us keep the Terrace clean by using designated bins for waste. Please report any damage promptly. 

Thank you for respecting them.
Have a great time!

Hotel Savoy Prague team